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Do you offer Swap-Free/Islamic accounts?

Yes, BDSwiss does offer Swap-Free/Islamic accounts. Please note that Swap-Free applies for calendar days only. Therefore, Swap-Free accounts holding a position open for more than calendar days, will be credited or debited swap accordingly.

The Company’s Swap-Free/Islamic account allows swap-free trading in compliance with the Sharia Law, which means traders can trade on an Islamic account without being charged overnight fees. The Company’s Swap-Free/Islamic account is only available for traders of the Muslim religion and should only be requested on the grounds of religious belief.

To apply for a Swap-Free/Islamic account, please send an email request to our Back Office Department at . Please note that we may require evidence of your religious affiliation to be provided.

For further details on BDSwiss’ Swap-Free/Islamic accounts, please contact our Customer Support at [email protected], via Live Chat.

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